7 – AI-Search

AI-search is a foundational aspect of problem-solving, essential in modern AI applications. This session introduces trainees to key concepts such as state space representation, uninformed and heuristic graph search algorithms, and complexities analysis. Trainees will learn to navigate problem spaces efficiently through algorithms like breadth-first search, depth-first search, and A* search, balancing optimality and computational efficiency. Understanding the space and time complexities of these algorithms enables effective problem-solving strategy selection. Additionally, the session covers strategies for two-player adversarial games, including minimax search and alpha-beta pruning, enhancing trainees’ ability to compete in dynamic environments. Mastering these concepts equips trainees with essential skills for tackling diverse real-world challenges.




Date: 12 August 2024

Given by: Dr. Hajar Alhijailan

Recording Link: https://videolectures.net/AI_Olympiad_2024_alhijailan_ai_search/